My Happy Place

My Happy Place

I’ve forgotten the amount of times I’ve walked into walls, bumped into people, stepped on my cat’s tail all because I’ve been walking with my nose stuck in a book. Not to mention the number of times my furniture has attacked my toes.

My favourite comment on a report from when I was a kid was “daydreams too much”. I live in my own little fantasy bubble. I’m happy here, they know me.

If I could live in a book I would. I have this fear of having nothing to read. I was the girl who travelled with a whole suitcase of books when I went on holiday. Now I have a Kindle App on my tablet and iPhone and I fill it up with free books just in case I run out: the best invention ever for a bookworm. I still love the smell of a new book and the feel of old yellowed paper from an old book, but my obsession with having a constant supply of something to read has meant running out of book storage space. And let’s not mention having to pack and move said books every time I’ve moved house or cities.

I’m however not a literary snob. I will read the back of a cereal box if there is nothing else available…I do however draw the line at 50 Shades of Grey. It’s not the subject matter that is off-putting but rather the fact that I couldn’t get past the bad grammar. If you’re going to sell millions of books I would really hope you could afford someone to proof read them.

There is no better way to spend my “me-time” than with a book, a cup of coffee and my cat Riley snuggled on the couch under our blanket fort.

My other favourite past time is hanging out in coffee shops, usually with Kindle App in tow and maybe a friend or two if I’m in a social mood. I’m an addict, books and coffee, chocolate and cheese curls…Maybe I need a 12-step programme or an intervention. Welcome to my world…you are welcome to join me in my blanket fort…erm…happy place.

If you have a book or coffee shop to recommend let me know in the comment section and I may just check them out.


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The Turntable Doc

Vintage turntable repairs, sales, and friendly advice -- Durham, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Raleigh, Cary, NC


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